
Providing Services : Onetime Editing, Interactive Editing, Proofreading.

Spotlights : Chief Editor of Me Education. Our students' all-time favorite. • 20 years of tutoring/editing experience in writing with thousands of international students • Harvard Kennedy School policy journal d...

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Providing Services : Onetime Editing, Interactive Editing, Proofreading, Mock interview.

Spotlights : Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford Humanities Center and Communications Director of Center for Ethics in Society • Specialty in visual culture, film, design, etc. • Experienced with thesis and disserta...

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Providing Services : Onetime Editing, Interactive Editing, Proofreading.

Spotlights : Harvard University alumna with an Urban Planning degree; Specialty in environmental science; Familiarity with medical and genetic science based on research assistant experience; Experience in grant ap...

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Providing Services : Onetime Editing, Interactive Editing, Proofreading

Spotlights : • Expertise in Biomedical Engineering, Immunology, Lung Engineering, Biological Psychiatry, and Neuroscience • Research experiences at MIT and Yale University School of Medicine • Harvard University...

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Providing Services : Onetime Editing, Interactive Editing, Proofreading

Spotlights : • Experience in training and tutoring students over scholarship application and resume-building • Native British English speaker and writer • Editor in Chief of Writers Literary Magazine • Author o...

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Providing Services : Onetime Editing, Interactive Editing, Proofreading

Spotlights : More than three decades of professional writing and college-level writing tutoring of engineering and information technology/computing • Specialization in writing and editing proposal and grant • Pu...

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导师介绍 : Me留学人文社科专业文书老师,北京大学本硕,Arizona State University英语文学专业博士,擅长美国人...
强项服务 : 人文社科与创意类文书写作指导

个人经历 : 先后在北京大学获取英语专业的本科和硕士学位,Arizona State University英语系英语文学专业博士。在美...

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导师介绍 : Me留学理工科申请指导老师,新加坡国立大学物理系博士,加州大学河滨分校物理学博士后,擅长物理、化学、数学、材料工程学、力...
强项服务 : 申请规划指导、选校指导、文书写作指导、奖学金申请、套瓷指导

个人经历 : 在新加坡和美国均积累了丰富的学术及实践经历,新加坡国立大学物理学博士的全奖,UCI博士后,曾在国际一流物理期刊发表论文同...

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导师介绍 : Me留学资深导师,佐治亚理工大学理工科博士毕业,金融工程与计算机双硕士,擅长金融工程、计算机、数据分析类专业申请指导
强项服务 : 申请规划指导、文书写作指导、奖学金申请、套磁指导、就业指导

个人经历 : Me留学全能申请指导老师,本科直博佐治亚理工。读博期间陆续拿到同校金融工程和计算机研究生学位,并拥有多年美国、香港投行工...

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导师介绍 : Me留学化学专业导师,耶鲁大学化学专业博士,擅长化学,化工,材料,环境等专业申请指导
强项服务 : 申请规划指导, 选校、选专业指导,网申答疑,文书写作指导,面试指导, 转学指导,...

个人经历 : 耶鲁大学化学专业博士,擅长化学,化工,材料,环境等专业申请指导。 超过10年化学学术研究经验,涉猎多个方向,包括:有机合...

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导师介绍 : Me留学化工专业导师, McGill University 化工专业博士,擅长化工、化学等专业的研究生、本科生申请。
强项服务 : 文书写作指导、套瓷指导、面试指导、 申请规划指导、选校指导、选专业指导、网申答疑...

个人经历 : Me留学化工、化学专业导师,McGill博士在读,对于新能源领域,尤其是燃料电池领域有着深刻的建树。本科有四年的家教经验...

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导师介绍 : Me留学东亚文化硕博申请导师,Princeton University, East Asian Studies博士,擅长...
强项服务 : 申请规划指导、选校、选专业指导、网申答疑、标准化考试应试指导、托福/雅思/GRE...

个人经历 : 研究生阶段以学分绩3.9的成绩排名年级第一名,连续三年获得第一等研究生学业奖学金,并荣获研究生国家奖学金、光华奖学金、咏...

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